What Is Gum RecedingHow can You Prevent It?

What Is Gum RecedingHow can You Prevent It?

The only thing that makes your smile beautiful is not a set of pearl teeth. Healthy gums are a part of your smileimpact your look to a significant extent. Besides, gums fit correctly around your teethhold them tight in the place. But have you thought about what will happen if your gum starts to shrinkage or recede? When your gums begin to pull awaymake your tooth root get exposed, gum receding happens. Gum receding is considered a dental emergency,you need to visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible. There is another problem that causes gumjawbone shrinkage. At the time of surgical tooth extraction, the gumsjaw bone tissue damagethe alveolar ridge’s shrinkage happens. Based on what Behnam Bohlouli from Smile Point Dental states in an article published by faze.ca, you can minimize alveolar ridge shrinkage by considering the ridge preservation stages.

What the Reasons Are for Gum Receding 

We can mention several reasons for gum receding. However, periodontal diseases are among the most prevalent ones that cause gum receding as a dental emergency. Receding gums typically require emergency dental care unless it makes progresswill damage the oral tissue for good. Here we briefly explain the causes of gum recedinghow to prevent this emergency dental case effectively.

Periodontal Disease 

Periodontal disease is an infection in the gum’s area. It damages the gum tissuethe jaw bone, which supports the teeth rootholds tightly. Gum disease or more specifically periodontal, is considered the primary reason for gum receding. When you realize that your gum is getting redswollen, do not hesitate to contact your emergency dentist.

People’s Genes

There are many people born with weak gum tissuemore susceptible to periodontal. No matter how excellent your oral hygiene, your gums,teeth may genetically have gum disease or become infected easily.

Harsh Tooth Brushing

Brushing your teeth aggressivelyin the wrong way will not only have any benefits, but it will also make your gum recederaise the need for urgent dental care. Harsh tooth brushing can also damage the tooth enamelincrease the risk of tooth decay.

Smile Point Dental

Insufficient Oral Hygiene

Brushing, flossing, antibacterial mouthwash,other things related to dental care are necessary if you want to have healthy teethgums. When you don’t brush your teeth regularly, plaque full of harmful bacteria forms on your teeth, hardened plaque is not easy to remove,you may need to go to an emergency dental office to remove it.


Tobacco products have no advantages for our health. People who smoke tobaccocigarettes are more prone to periodontal diseasesgum recession. Emergency dentists believe that smokers will definitely need emergency dental care at least once in their life.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal change in menopause, puberty,pregnancy make your teethgums sensitivemore vulnerable to periodontaldental disease.