How Drugs Can Affect A Person

The effects of drugs in the body vary in different ways. Some of the effects depend on the person’s body weight, age, size,overall health. Other factors include the number of drugs, strength, variety, the number of use, previous history of drug abuse,a lot more. Drugs are considered as non-controllable substances. Therefore, its strengthquality can differ greatly. Know more about drug addiction here.
Drugs have a psychologicalphysical effect in a person. These effects can be considered long-term or short-term. A person may become dependent over timemay increase the dosage over time.
People who are drug users will act, talk, feel,think in a different way. They may not act their usual self if they have taken an illegal substance compared to when they haven’t. In some cases, they may even lose control of their thoughts, actions,speech. The substances can also lead to a distortion of the perception.
Different Effects of Drugs in the Body
Drugs operate through the central nervous system. Depending on the type of drug that a person took, he may experience a different sense of “high” or dependence. There are sites online that offer detox products for your body so you can come out clean. To know more about them, visit sites such as There are three kinds of drugsthey are hallucinogens, depressants,stimulants.
These produce a distorted sense of reality. People who use hallucinogens said that they can hear voices that other people can’t hear or see things others can’t see. People who are under the influence of hallucinogens can have emotionalpsychological problems. They might experience sudden euphoria that turns into panic attacks. Effects in the body can include nausea, vomiting,jaw clenching. Drugs that are considered as hallucinogens are Ketamine, PCO, cannabis,LSD.
These substances slow the central nervous system. The messages that are passed from one neuron to another are delayed. This means that a person who uses a depressant may feel calmrelaxed. Excessive use makes the person less inhibitive. This can lead to unconsciousness for longer periods of timeeven death. While under the influence of depressants, a person may have decreased coordinationconcentration. This can be troublesome for driverspeople who operate heavy machinery. Examples of depressants include codeine, cannabis, heroin, morphine, benzodiazepines, alcohol,cannabis.
Stimulants are so named because they stimulate the brain. They speed up the messages that the brain receives from the neurons. They make a person feel confidencealertness. However, this can lead to an increase in heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, extreme agitation, loss of appetite,insomnia. Some stimulants can even cause seizures, cramps, anxietypanic attacks when taken in large amounts. Some of the examples of stimulants include caffeine, cocaine, nicotine, amphetamines,ecstasy.
Factors Relating to the Effects of Drugs
- Strengththe type of drug
- The amount of dosage taken
- History of drug use
- The way the drug was manufactured
- Homemade drugs may contain bacteriaunsafe substances
- The number of times the drug was used
- How the substance was ingested – whether through the mouth, nose, or the bloodstream
- A person’s current physicalmental health
- The substance mixed with the drug
- Alcohol or depressants mixed with hallucinogens are deadly combinations
Physical Harm that Can Result from Using Drugs
- Accidents while driving a car the workplace, home or to any other location
- A person won’t have any defense against a sexual assault which can lead to STDs
- They might commit sexual assault to others
- May experience insomnia, overthink things, may find it hard to solve problemsremember
- Harm the heart, brain, stomach, lungs, liver, pancreas,other organs of the body
- Can cause cancer
- May Cause baldness
- Causes addiction
- Experience psychosis or loss a sense of reality
- Collapsed vein for people who frequently inject drugs
- May cause erratic behavior
- Overdose can lead to death
- Higher risks of depression, recurring illnesses, sudden death,suicide
Cannabis Effects in the Body
Cannabis can include skunk, grass, marijuana dope, weed, grass, hash pit,skunk. These can cause altered perceptionrelaxation. The person may feel relaxedhappy but too much use can lead to anxiety, paranoia,psychosis. A long family history of cannabis abuse can lead to extreme psychotic reactions. There is a strong indication that people using cannabis frequently can be more prone to schizophrenia, lung cancer, bronchitis, mouth, throat,lung cancer. Regular use can affect the brain, affect how the information is retainedcan reduce fertility for both menwomen.
Cocaine Effects in the Body
Cocaine substances can include a crack, coke, blow, powdered cocaine,Charlie. These substances can increase your energy. You will be awake for hours. You may feel inhibited, free,confident. But after the drug wears off, you might experience extreme depression or a feeling of “coming down” after feelings of being “high”. To experience the same high again, people may have to increase their doses. The negative cycle can go on which can get worse over time. Cocaine can result in psychosis, miscarriage for women, heart seizures, brain hemorrhage,stroke. There are also cases of HIV infection due to the usage of unsanitized needles.
A Final Word about Drugs
Although a lot of people know that drugs can affect their bodies in a negative way, they can’t still stop using it because of a lot of reasons. Some of these reasons may be because of peer pressure, addiction, or depression. Knowing the effects of each of these drugs on an in-depth level may bring about change for some users. There are a lot of informationarticles online that offer a thorough discussion of the effects of drugs in various aspects of a person’s life. It is recommended to read them so that a user may be enlightened in some way about the future if he continues using drugs.