What are the Treatments to Get Pregnant

Before starting treatment, gynaecologists need to know the background or problem that is the cause of infertility patients. Important information such as menstrual cycles, history of surgery or inflammation in the pelvisother sexual problems can help your doctor to make the right diagnosis. Next, your gynaecologist will take several tests to validate the diagnosis.
Both partners need to undergo a fertility test. On average, 40% of fertility problems are from womenmen respectively, 15% without known causes,5% others.
In theory, pregnancy results from a quality egg (oocyte), a quality sperm, a normal uterus,a fallopian tube. Therefore, fertility tests are carried out to ensure these structures are normal.
Treatments for fertility are likely to benefit women whose infertility is due to problems with ovulation. Infertility caused by damage to the fallopian tubes or severe endometriosis are least likely to benefit by medical treatment, although in vitro fertilization can help women to conceive.
The first step in treating infertility is to treat the underlying cause of infertility. For example, in cases where thyroid disease causes hormone imbalances, medication for thyroid disease may be able to restore fertility
Some basic tests may be carried out by experts. This includes analysis of semen for menhormone-related tests on day 21 for ovulation for women if menstruation every 28 days. If abnormalities are encountered during clinical examination, patients should be referred to fertility experts. A thorough examination of the fallopian tube, uterine cavityso on will be carried out. It is performed using ultrasound (through trans-vaginal), radiological, ie HSG (hysterosalpingogram) or small invasive surgery (laparoscopy or hysteroscopy).
One of the famous treatments is IUI Treatment or better known as “intrauterine insemination” which is a fertility treatment method or fertility procedure used to deliver sperm continuously to the cervix or uterus in the hope of becoming pregnant. Sometimes, these sperm are washed or “provided” to increase the chance of a pregnant woman. Some women may also take drugs to stimulate the growth of ovarian folliclesincrease the chances of pregnancy.
Intrauterine examination (IUI) is usually a treatment of unknown infertility causes. This fertility treatment involves inserting sperm in a woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation
Usually, doctors will perform IUI at the time of ovulation; 24-36 hours after HCG injection, which is the drug responsible for ovulation. So in general, IUI is made 6 hours before ovulation because the sperm is actually not durable. There are also doctors who choose to do 2 IUI in one cycle, in which case, IUI will usually be done 12-48 hours after HCG injection with at least 12 hours between them.
At least 5 million sperm are required for IUI. The lower the number, the lower the chance of success. In general, 20 million or more is ideal for IUI. This process is not painful but you may feel a bit uncomfortable when the catheter is inserted into the uterus.
IUI is a fertility procedure that is less stressful for women as it is relatively simple. However, it also has some risks including abdominal pain, bleedingspotting, during or after the procedure. There is also a risk of sexually transmitted infections if the husband is the carrier of the germ. The use of IUI medications can also carry risks such as twin pregnancies, triplets, or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, but with careful medical attention, these risks are less likely.