Essential Checkups You Must Do to Maintain Your Overall Health

Essential Checkups You Must Do to Maintain Your Overall Health

The key points to focus on to have a healthy body are clean eating, regular exercise,enough sleep. By devoting yourself to these activities, you can pretty much have peace of mind that you are taking great care of your body. But some diseasesillnesses can act sneaky. They will not display any obvious symptoms until it’s too late to take any counteraction, which is why taking regular checkups are important.

With regular physical exams, you can understand your body bettergive it exactly what it needs. This will also be a way for you to take immediate actionprotective measures against diseases that you can be the most prone to getting. To understand your body better, below are the checkupsscreenings that you will need to ensure optimum overall health.

Blood PressureCholesterol

High blood pressurehigh cholesterol are deadly combos that can increase your risk of having hypertension, stroke,heart attack. Besides regular exercisea healthy diet, you should also get cholesterolblood pressure checks to determine the amount of risk you havethe kind of treatment you will need. These examinations will also inform you of the dietexercise most suitable for your condition.

Bone Density

As you get older, the more your bones grow weakermore brittle. To maintain bone strength, you should regularly have your bone mass examined through a bone density test, even as young as fifty years old. Getting a bone density test early is important, especially for people who smoke, drink, or have a history of rheumatoid arthritis in the family. This is also the only way for you to know if you are at risk of osteoporosis, making it a great precautionary measure to take.

Diabetes Test

Getting regular fasting blood sugar level tests is important for people over forty-five years of age, living inactive lifestyles, suffering from chest pains,being overweight. This test takes blood samplestests them for glucose levels to determine whether you have pre-diabetes conditions or diabetes. To keep your glucose levels at just the right level, you must avoid smoking, eat a healthy diet,regular exercise.


A colonoscopy checks the lining of your colonrectum for abnormal or irregular bowel movements that can be telltale symptoms of colon cancer. If you suffer from abdominal pain, changes in your bowel habit,rectal bleeding, you must get a colonoscopy right awaytreat it at its earliest stage. Individuals over the age of fiftythose who have a high risk of getting rectal or colon cancer are advised to get a colonoscopy every ten years, which can be a long time. Still, this type of cancer progresses slowly, therefore giving you enough time to take action.

Skin Test

Human beings shed skin in as fast as two to four weeks, which is why you should do a skin check every month. This test can be initially done at home by examining new moles, unusual-looking freckles, or changes to your old moles. If you find anything unusual, it is best to talk the matter over with your dermatologistschedule an in-house examination. This is especially important for people who have a history of skin cancer in the family since it presents an increased risk. Yearly examinations are also recommended for people who work outdoors.

5 Reasons Why Regular Medical Check Ups in Singapore are Important - MyDoc


A common illness that comes with aging, hearing problems can appear by the age of 65. Once you start experiencing problems in your hearing, you should schedule an examination in an ENT or an otolaryngologist clinic, which can give you the proper teststreatment options according to your condition.


Aside from eating vitamin C, omega-3,carotenoids-enriched food, it is also recommended that you get vision screenings by the age of forty. But to maintain healthy vision, getting comprehensive eye exams every two years is recommended, especially between the ages of eighteen to sixty years old. These tests will help you know if you suffer from vision problems or are at risk of other eye conditions, like glaucoma, allowing you to take the necessary steps to reverse its effects.

Oral Checkups

Having regular dental appointments twice a year or as frequently as your dentist requires will help you maintain overall health. These checkups include professional teeth cleaningX-rays, which will help you spot early symptoms of mouth diseasesinfections, so you will know the treatments you’ll need. To do your part, you can wear a protective mouthguard during your intense training sessions to avoid injuries or eliminate sugary fooddrinks from your diet to prevent tooth decay.

To live a longgood life, you must invest in healthy habitsexert extra effort in getting to know your body so that you can provide it the things it needs.