Health Risks of Snoring

Are you considering snoring as only an irritating or humiliating side effect of sleep? Or perhaps you disregard snoring as nothing unusual? Understanding the health risks snoring presents will make you reconsider your perception.
Individuals who experience snoring due to sleep apnea have a 40% higher risk of dying sooner. Often, this is because sleep apnea, if left unchecked, can cause serious health conditions, including heart attack, diabetes,depression.
If you or your partner experiences snoring resulting from sleep apnea, here are health risks associated with snoringsleep apnea you must know:
Table of Contents
1. Heart Disease
According to experts, sleep apnea, one of the major causes of chronic snoring, is associated with cardiovascular health conditions. These conditions include coronary artery illnesshigh blood pressure, which often increase your risk of possible heart attacks.
Studies demonstrate that persons with sleep apnea disorder have a twofold probability of developing fatal heart attacksnon-fatal heart conditions. Fortunately, studies have also demonstrated that the treatment for sleep apnea is effective. Using continuous positive airway pressure helps in reducing your heart disease risk. Therefore, if you’re wondering how to stop snoring, begin by determining if it’s caused by sleep apnea.
2. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Anyone with sleep apnea has a high probability of developing GERD. Research indicates that the disordered manner in which your throat closes when breathing during sleep leads to pressure changes that draw your stomach’s contents back up into the esophagus. Additionally, sleep apneaGERD are linked to adding excess weightusually tend to diminish as you achieve your normal weight.
3. Stroke
Health data from research about sleep discovered that the severity of snoring was associated with the risk of carotid atherosclerosis. The condition causes the constriction of your arteries within the neck due to the accumulation of excess fat (known as plaque), leading to stroke.
Simply stated, the more intenseprolonged your snoring is every night, the greater you’re at risk of experiencing a stroke. Therefore, you must learn how to stop snoring to protect yourself, particularly if you experience the following symptoms:
- If your sleep partner notices your breathing keeps stopping during your sleep
- If you feel a strong urge to sleep during the day
- If you have other underlying health conditions, including high blood pressure
4. Arrhythmias
If you’re experiencing chronic snoring or have sleep apnea, you have a greater risk of suffering from an abnormal heart rhythm, commonly referred to as arrhythmia. Experts have discovered that if you have sleep apnea, you’re more inclined to experience episodes of atrial fibrillation than individuals without sleep apnea. According to experts, atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent type of arrhythmia.
You have a greater risk of developing this condition because sleep apnea often affects your heart’s conduction system, causing arrhythmia. In some cases, it may result from obstructive sleep apnea, which causes your left atrium to expand over a prolonged period.
5. Mental Health Conditions
Research demonstrates that sleep apnea can impact your mental health, causing different problems from irritability due to lack of sleep. Experts affirm that the relationship between snoring, sleep apnea,depression is well documented.
One survey that involved 74 snorers demonstrated that the higher participants reported daytime sleepiness, the higher the risk of experiencing mild anxiety or depression symptoms. Although the research to determine the connection between snoring, sleep apnea,depression isn’t conclusive yet, it’s been established that treating your sleep apnea condition can reduce depression symptoms.
6. Reduced Sexual Satisfaction
A survey involving 827 older men discovered that intenseprolonged snoring increases the chance of reporting less sexual satisfaction. Further, the study revealed that most individuals are extremely affected by snoringlack sexual desire or drive with their partners. Therefore, treating sleep disorders can help you get your sexual desire to normal.
7. Obesity
Studies have revealed that close to half of the individuals who are obese or who gain excess weight have sleep apnea. Often, this is due to the excess fat that accumulates around your neck, constricting your normal breathing during sleep. Therefore, striving to cut excess weight can assist you in reducing sleep-related conditions, thus lowering health risks associated with snoring.
Concluding Remarks
If experiencing chronic snoring, you risk developing the above health conditions, some of which are life-threatening. Therefore, you must seek treatment for any sleep disorder you may be experiencing to mitigate these risks.